Samson Tadesse shares an emotional message


Samson Tadesse shares an emotional message.

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Today's teff market in our city


In our capital, Addis Ababa, the price of tef is being sold in different areas as follows.


1. In the Calvary district of Kolfe

- In Zenbework area, vision tef is 65 to 68 birr per kilo

- Lakwanda area partner consumer 62 Birr per kilo,

- Olive area from 71 to 75 Birr per kilo.

- Betel District 04 Shemona Express and World Bank area

72 to 75 Birr,

- Air health area 68 Birr per kilo,

- Air Health Square District 09 Redemption consumers from 65 to 70 Birr,


2. Wind phone Lafto sub-district

- Birr 61 per kilo for Bu settlement area,

- Saris Area 56 Birr per Kilo,

- 10 associations in the district, 56 Birr per kilo.

- 62 birr per kilo in district 11,

- Lafto district 12 65 Birr per kilo,

- 62 Birr per kilo of beef.


3. Mimi Kura sub-district

- District 09 Hadase Bole consumer 55 Birr per kilo,

- District 08 Gasai consumer 55 Birr per kilo,

- District 03 Ethiopia consumer 55 Birr per kilo,


4. Gulele District

- District 7 Consumer, the special name of the new market, 57 Birr per kilo.

- District 10, the special name of Shegole is 57 Birr per kilo.


 5. Arada sub-city

- Arada district 1 Keble 11 and 17 red teff 47 Birr per kilo,

- White teff 74 Birr per kilo,

- Arada district 2, the special name of Italian neighborhood, red teff, 47 Birr per kilo


6. Birth district

- In 16 warehouses and mills of 19 cooperatives in 10 districts, namely: 01 Shemach, 03, 51, 50, Abnet Square at the entrance of District 3, District 07 Youth Center, 47 to 50 Birr per kilo.


7. Ka district


District 10:- Addis Chora Consumers Association

District 12:- Development for Work Consumers Union


- Red tef: from 60 to 62 Birr,

- Wedding Tef: 63 to 65 Birr,

- White tef: 68 Birr to 70 Birr.

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