Try not to laugh


Hello Dear Viewers,
This is a funny videos channel. We make funny videos in our village. Because We are live in village.
All videos are shoot in village side.
some time we make prank with public and our friends.

Director - Mithon
Script Writer - Mithon & Mizanur
Producer - Mithon
Camera Man - Mithon
Editor - Sumi

Actors - Mithon, Mizanur, Shahin, DJ Jejar, maruf, alim, rubel


Speaker images sent from #EBC_as_our_observer


A social media follower named Taddios Wolde took a photo with his mobile phone of opening a 6-kilometer underground telecom fiber cable tunnel in Addis Ababa.


Taking into consideration that many suspects have recently been arrested in connection with theft, as a citizen, he requested that necessary protection and precautions be taken by the relevant body to prevent damage to the infrastructure corridors where such high costs have been spent.


Mr. Taddios also conveyed the message that people should not gather in the area where the problem is said to have occurred and do our part in protecting the wealth of the country in our respective areas.


Due to the fact that it is winter, we have also received a suggestion from another social media follower that open sewer lines and transmission lines such as telecom and electricity should be closed with screws that cannot be easily loosened.


Like Taddios Wolde, all ten of you should record the information that your presenter observed, surprised you and found useful on your mobile phone and send it to ABC.


Be like us, be a journalist, report for us!




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