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"We should celebrate the Cross Festival with unity and love, avoiding hatred and division."
- His Holiness Abune Mathias
#Ethiopia Abune Mathias, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, urged that the celebration of the cross should be celebrated with unity and love, avoiding hatred and division.
The Demera Cross Festival is being celebrated in Addis Ababa Cross Square with various religious ceremonies.
On the occasion, the Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church His Holiness Abune Matias, the General Manager of the Patriarchal Diocese of the Church and the Archbishop of Bahrdar Diocese His Holiness Abune Abraham presented the holiday message.
In their message, they stated that the cross gives poverty and preaches peace, love and unity.
The cross is where the reconciliation between the Creator and mankind was created. He pointed out that hatred and division have been defeated.
He said that the cross is a symbol of peace and reconciliation that brings together those who are different and reconciles those who are separated.
His Beatitude said that devotees should follow the teachings of the cross and celebrate the holiday which is an example of love together.
He also expressed the need to live in peace, love, understanding, unity and forgiveness, which are the symbols of the cross.
According to EZ report, at the celebration in Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Menbera Patriarch General Manager and Bahrdar Diocese Archbishop Abune Abraham, Secretary General of the Holy Synod and Archbishop of New York and the surrounding area Bishop Abune Petros, Federation President Sahlework Zewde, Culture and Sports Minister Kejela Merdasa, leaders of Addis Ababa city administration, diplomats and other community members attended.
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