Sinkul Hiwot Episode 47 (Kana TV Drama)


Sinkul Hiwot Episode 47 (Kana TV Drama).

 It is said that the approval of the decree that allows couples who have not been able to have a child naturally or to be parents can have a child with the help of technology will eliminate the travel abroad, abuse and high cost in the past to get the service.


This was said in a press release given by the Ministry of Health regarding the decree.


Minister of Health, Dr. Makdes Daba, who gave the statement, said that when the heart and respiratory systems stop functioning at a level that cannot be restored, or when brain death is confirmed, the termination of the device-based breathing system by the decision of experts is included in the other decree.


In addition, the blood, tissue, and tissue prescribed in this decree; It refers to organ or organ donation and transplant medical services, and any person can donate blood, cells, tissues, and organs according to the permission given by the relevant body.


The minister said that organ donation can only be done for the institution established for this purpose. He said that it is forbidden to donate or receive body parts and organs.


The Minister said that since laws in the health sector are set in a fragmented and unclear manner for implementation, it is necessary to issue a legal framework.


It is said that it will help to establish new health services that are suitable for the time and also to improve the provisions that were in operation to make the delivery of health services practical and transparent for implementation.


It has been said that the government will cover the full contribution of the health insurance membership of the health sector employees, and we have heard that the decree stipulates that any health professional suspected of a crime in the provision of medical services will be arrested when there is reasonable evidence that the professional has committed the crime.


The decree has recently examined and approved the report and proposal of the Standing Committee on Health, Social Development, Culture and Sports, requiring the issuance of a single framework law for health services that are scattered and unclear for implementation.

Kana Movie
sinkul hiwot part 47
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