25 year old Man ready to Marry 85 year old lady. AGE IS JUST BUT NUMBER!


Muima 25, ready to marry Therezia 85. Therezia is a mother of 8 and grandmother of 20. The two are so deeply in love and ready to get married soon. Does age really matter? Suggested news

It was stated that the distance that the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia has gone to correct the findings of the audit investigation is admirable.


This was stated by the members of the Standing Committee on Government Expenditure Management and Control of the House of Representatives together with the relevant government stakeholders to correct the findings of the audit presented on June 15/2014 on Commercial Bank of Ethiopia at the new headquarters on October 30, 2015. It's when you review the meeting hall.


The President of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Ato Abe Sano, explained during the review that the comments made by the members of the Standing Committee on June 15/2014 are acceptable and that if the bank corrects them, they can benefit both the bank and the borrowers.


Mr. Abe stated that the bank has reached the final stage of approving the updated credit policies and guidelines to make the processes related to lending and management more modern and efficient.


Honorable Mr. Christian Tadele, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Government Expenditure Management and Control Affairs of the House of Representatives, said that the bank followed the audit report submitted to him and said that the way it is working to correct the comments and the distance it has gone is an example for other institutions.


Other members of the House of People's Representatives pointed out that the bank's efforts to correct the audit findings are encouraging and urged them to focus on correcting the remaining audit findings in the remaining periods.


In addition to the standing committee members, the National Bank, Ministry of Finance, Federal Audit Office and relevant government stakeholders attended the field visit and visited the new headquarters building of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.


  • Teshome

    Age isn’t just a number. It means much more. You have already said it. One of the most important factors that keeps married couples together is sexual attraction and compatibility. These guy’s love is so temporary and can’t pass the test of time. The lady seems senile to me. The guy is blown away by her goodness and wealth. I don’t think they can stay together for more than a year. Moreover, her children and grandchildren will certainly interfere and make life miserable for them.