Mirkognoch - Part 20 (Kana TV Drama)


Mirkognoch - Part 20 (Kana TV Drama).



What is Ato Bulcha Demeksa remembered for?


When former Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was in charge of his country during the EPRDF period, the famous politician and economist Bulcha Demeksa, who was a member of Parliament, is known for raising tough intellectual questions to the Prime Minister.


His speech was meant to make all the members of parliament laugh, including former Prime Minister Meles; He was full of courage and knowledge.


Everyone was eagerly waiting for him to speak, especially since he had developed knowledge on economic issues.


What is remembered by many and always comes up again and again is the question he raised in relation to the economic development of Ethiopia and his speech which made the parliament laugh.


"The prime minister and the government say over and over again, 'Ethiopia grew by 110, 111'; I, he and Ethiopian economists know that growing by 111 is a miracle. China, which made this miracle, is not doing it now, it is Taiwan, South Korea.


How did Ethiopia grow in 111? Angola is now growing at 112. Why did they get so much oil at once, people who got oil or whatever, it's not surprising if they grow at 110 or 111. 111 How do we express ourselves to the world when we grow up?


The World Monetary Organization said that Ethiopia and other East African countries will grow by a maximum of 106, but we refused and said, 'It is eleven! We say, is this appropriate? "


Another of his most memorable speeches is about the various sales in which the government is involved.


"Why does the government sell fertilizer alone? Why does the government go into hotels and sell it? Why does the government go into tourism and sell it? Why does the government sell cement? Why does it sell fruits and onions? The government is not promoting a socialist economy?"


Ato Bulcha Demeksa was born in West Wolega and was an accomplished economist who studied at major universities. He was also the founder of Awash Bank and the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFCO).




Kana Movie
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