Dir - Part 65 (Kana TV Drama)


Dir is a special Turkish drama dubbed in Amharic.

 It was revealed that the cancer cancer spread


???? Paul's hospital was told that at least two patient cancer surgery a week 


The expansion of the global budget cancer in the world and the expansion of the fleet of breast cancer and the womb of the womb is a third-level deadly disease.  In Paul's sixphoshod, Dr. Murder, the specialist of the murder of the Surcel and the psychological treatment of 10 persons, the Speaker of Cancer and intelligent treatment, says Dr. Mainwan and the TV. 


Dr. Mulfa, smoking and alcohol can also be the result of the cause of intestines and alcohol for the development of masculine cancer. The 50-year-old people have expressed that people are vulnerable to cancer. 


This type of cancer comes in seed and said it will be shown in the developing ones under the age of 18. One emotions that are difficult to explain symptoms of colonial cancer, and the rating is the symptoms of the blood and heavy drops of an independent. When the level is high, Dr. Murder, Cancer and Laban Medicine, and adding the feet of the lungs, Dr. Hospitality and the Fool of Salt, Dr. Mulfa and the Fool of Salt explained to Radio and TV. 


By crop lux

DIR | ድር
Dir - Part 65 (Kana TV Drama), ድር 65
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